13 September 2006

Lazio says "Paolo vattene!"

An unfortunate development in the relationship between S.S. Lazio and its former star Paolo Di Canio. After Paolo made some characteristically fierce comments about Lotito ("He is arrogant, he is destroying Lazio") and Oddo ("He thinks he's crafty, talking badly about Totti") the club has sent him what amounts to a cease-and-desist letter. Here is what it said:

La S.S. Lazio SpA ha dovuto constatare che il suo ex calciatore Paolo Di Canio si è nuovamente lasciato andare a dichiarazioni dal contenuto diffamatorio nei confronti della società, dei dirigenti, dell'allenatore e dei giocatori. La società non tollererà ulteriormente esternazioni diffamatorie nel confronti dei propri appartenenti e reagirà con tutti i mezzi, federali, civili e penali alle gratuite aggressioni verbali del Sig. Di Canio e di coloro che gli faranno da supporto.
"S.S. Lazio SpA has determined that its former player Paoli Di Canio is anew (asked to) refrain from statements that contain slander towards the club, its directors, its coaches, and its players. Furthermore the society will not tolerate defamatory expressions about its affairs and will respond in all ways—with federal and civil penalties—against the gratuitous verbal agression of Mr. Di Canio and those who support him."

I'm disappointed that Lazio has found this kind of action necessary. Just because Paolo is ex-Laziale doesn't mean he is not still the same Paolo; he is as outspoken as ever. He has not harmed the club in any demonstrable way. Yes, he has harshly criticized members of the society, but let the man speak his mind. Lazio has calcio it needs to turn its attention to, not sticks-and-stones name-calling.

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