Romanisti di merda attack Olimpiacos fans
Un gruppo composto di dieci persone, a quanto si è appreso tifosi romanisti, con i volti coperti, sono entrati la notte scorsa intorno all'1.45 in un albergo di via Gregorio XI dove alloggiavano supporter dell'Olympiakos. Una volta nella hall dell'hotel ci sono stati momenti di tensione: un tifoso greco, che era con altri connazionali, è stato ferito con 5 tagli alla coscia destra. Il tifoso, di 32 anni, è stato soccorso e trasportato all'Aurelia Hospital. Danneggiati anche alcuni arredi e suppellettili della hall dell'albergo e infranta una vetrata esterna. Sono intervenuti i carabinieri."A group made up of ten people, who were discovered to be Romanisti, with covered faces, entered a hotel on Via Gregorio XI last night at 1:45 where supporters of Olimpiacos were lodged. At one point in the hall of the hotel there was a moment of tension: a Greek fan, who was with other compatriots, was wounded with five cuts on his right leg. The fan, 32 years old, was treated and transported to Aurelia Hospital. Also some furniture of the hotel hall was damaged and an external window was broken. The carabinieri intervened."
Truly deplorable behavior from the Romanisti. While Lazio has its own problems with the arrests of IRR leaders, they have not been implicated in something as awful as deliberately seeking out opponents' supporters and attacking them.
Oh, and they almost lost their match to the Greeks anyway.